Looking back and forward…

Hello lovely geeks,

2014, the year that I didn’t accomplish much.

Yes, that sounds extremely depressing and some of you are probably looking at your screens and thinking: why the hell is she starting off so freaking depressingly? Because, honestly, that’s what my year has been like.

I’ve been horrible at blogging and vlogging this year. I haven’t found any inspiration at all and it’s been killing me. Seriously, I’ve had so much guilt over all of this, and the fact that Mendy still keeps me on here is incredibly nice and I cannot thank her enough for that.
Although, it might console you a little that I’ve been just as crap at these things on my own channel and blog as well.


In January I was teaching a fourth grade class and it was my first year as a class teacher. It was hectic, it was miserable and it was the most amazing experience all rolled in one. I went to work, came home and planned and prepared, went to bed and repeat. I’d like to say that teaching is the reason why I have been so miserable at updating and all the internet stuffs. During the weekends I was on stage performing in a local play thing, which was very fun.

In February I was sent on a course in Coventry, England to learn more about what I’m supposed to be doing in the classroom. I experienced a lot during those 5 days. I did a lot of shopping, I learnt a lot and I took the train, on my own, in a country that I don’t live in. That doesn’t mean anything to anyone at all but I suffer from panic attacks and most of them are triggered by public transport and specifically trains. So me, leaving the travel party, and going on a train myself to do some last minute shopping before the flight was a very big deal for me.

March, April, May – I have no idea which event happened when as I’m going off of my Instagram feed and am way too lazy to count the weeks and figure that out.
I went to my first ever Science Fiction convention and bought a lot of nerdy things. I saw cosplayers on varying levels and thought that was a pretty cool concept (one that I want to explore in the future) and I met Sylvester McCoy! I got a blow about my education and that it might not be enough to get me a proper job. I also went for dinner with a few friends and I started working out.

June, July and August. Summer was pretty cool for me. I went on a few family trips to places around Sweden and I spent a week at Eurogym in Helsingborg. I was a gymnastics coach at the annual summer camp and I went on a family vacation to Cyprus where we went diving in a blue lagoon and just having the time of our lives. I went back to work after a summer holiday in a new class. I know teach a third grade class which is quite different.

In September I did the ALS Ice bucket challenge, and I had a reunion with my choir that ended in a small concert. We also had an election in Sweden which ended in a total disgrace as we now have a racist party playing a substantial part in all the decisions that are made in our country.

In October I turned 25. I guess that means I’m officially an adult or something. I’m halfway to 50 and I guess I should have a midlife crisis or something. In all seriousness though, I feel the same as I did before my birthday, not different or older at all. I was given a coffee machine and I’m trying to make my tastebuds like coffee….. I’m not doing so well with this.
I also watched the European Championships in TeamGym in Iceland on TV, while my younger sister was actually there!

In November, we rescued a little kitten from the fields outside our house. Her name is Tzucka and she is a handful! I also got sick in November, and honestly, I’m still sick now while typing this up! I also discovered ebay and the nerdy things that you can get from there for no money at all. I was in Heaven!

In December I had a full week where I was sick from school. It was painful to be away from my kids. I got hair extensions put in and I have had a lot of fun with it. I’ve done a lot of shopping during the sales and my bank account is suffering the consequences.
I’m ending this year in rehearsals for the same show that I was in during January. Our premiere is on Saturday and I am so nervous right now as I’m still sick and my throat hates me.

The only thing that I remember telling myself to try and accomplish this year was the reading challenge. I set a goal for 30 books, which in hindsight could’ve been achieved. I’ve read a total of 20 books this year and I’d say that’s fairly good for being me.

So, 2015…. What will be in store for me?
Well, I know for sure that I’ll be performing during January and that we have a few family vacations planned. But that is all I know for sure.
What do I wish for? A better year than this one.
I am wishing for some sort of romance, I’m seriously tired of being alone now.
I’m wishing for being better at blogging. I have a few ideas for concepts that I’m going to have to swing by Mendy first.
I’m wishing for a strict uploading schedule for my youtube channel. With videos every week/fortnight.
I’m wishing for reaching the goals of my reading challenge.
I’m wishing for the ability to live my life and not just dream about it.

And lastly I’m wishing for the unexpected. I’m wishing for surprises and spontaneity. I’m hoping that 2015 will sweep me off my feet and whisk me away on adventures and experiences that I haven’t even imagined or dreamt of yet. And on top of that I’m wishing for the courage to be swept away. I’m also wishing for a good year, one with happiness and laughter in the company of good friends.


Til next time,
keep rocking that geek!

Looking back on 2014 and looking forward to 2015.

Hi my hot cute girly geeks and boy geeks of course. We agreed to do a, we’re looking forward to 2015 and looking back towards 2014.


I had a pretty turbulent year. But I guess it was no exception to the past years. The biggest thing for this past year was work related. With the economic crisis and working in mental health sector. The government is planning big reforming plan for 2015 I expected to be out of a job by the end of the year. For me this meant a tight budget, putting all extra money on my savings account, no vacations or extra stuff and looking for a new job.

On the one hand, it’s really scary. I have a house, a mortgage, and a permanent position with my old boss. But I also knew it didn’t meant anything if they wanted to let you go.

I also made plans about going back to school, maybe learning to be an English teacher and getting my CPE degree. Another plan was to move to the UK, because there were more jobs there for my line of work.

Luckily, I could start prepping for my CPE degree the day I decided and I followed a 10-week course, which ended in an exam, which I passed! I am now the proud owner of my CPE degree in the highest level, near native speaker. I was and am still very happy with this degree. It also means that if I want to move to the UK I can!

Furthermore, I went on a job hunt. It had its ups and downs. Loads of companies now a day don’t even bother to send you a confirmation letter any more or even let you know you didn’t get the job.

I ended up with three interviews. One job was a ridiculous low pay, so low I couldn’t even pay my mortgage, let alone groceries and other bills.

Another job I got a second interview, but I felt like it wasn’t for me.

The third interview almost hired me on the spot. I got a call back the same day I did the interview to sign my contract. It also meant I could work lesser hours for more pay. I now work with this company for four months and love it. I found my place, love my work and colleagues and I have a normal boss. Which is awesome.

On landing this job I could book a vacation as well, be it last minute, but I spend 5 days in London with my mum. Saw Martin Freeman perform live on stage. Hugged my bestie at Speedy’s café. Went to the season 8 premier of Doctor Who in the cinema, got my picture taken with a real-life tardis and Dalek and generally had an amazing time, feeling at home again back in London.

2014 was also the year I got back in contact with my dad after a huge fight and me being generally tired of the way he treated me. Things are getting better and he’s coming over for Christmas day this year.

I started Gishwhes, but it was a bust thanks to no help from my temporary roommate.

I started NaNoWriMo but had to give up after two weeks after some health problems. But I did meet new friends, which is epic.

I decided to celebrate Christmas again this year. I wasn’t feeling up to it last year so this year I went all out. Bought the biggest tree I could find and my house is now properly Christmassy and cosy. All ready for the upcoming Christmas days. Yes days. We celebrate first and second Christmas day and I decided to add a third one as well.

First Christmas day was dinner with my dad and his wife, unfortunately no Doctor Who for me, I had to record it. But all in all I enjoyed myself.

Second Christmas day was my relaxing day, prepping for an epic British Christmas dinner for the third Christmas day and going out to dinner with my mum.

The third Christmas day was my epic British Christmas dinner with some friends roasted a turkey for the first time and it worked! I roasted a turkey! And juggled with loads of side dished and we had fun with dinner, friends and playing Sherlock cluedo and Doctor Who monopoly afterwards.

This year I lost some friends and gained some friends. It was a year with high highs and very low lows. I struggled, fought, cried, rejoiced, enjoyed and laughed. Unexcitingly reached my reading challenge. I knitted and crocheted until the burn marks from the year were etched in my fingers.

I had a super quick December visit to London again. Bought loads of stuff and can’t wait to go back.

And I have good hopes for 2015.

I have the feeling I’m closing off some stuff from the past. I turned 31 this year and now own my very first Dalek.

I have very high hopes for next year. Hopefully finding some love, blogging more, enjoying more, celebrating more. Attending my first con. Going back to London, getting a renewal for my contract and who knows?

Love, your own hot cute girly geek, Mendy.


2014 – The Year of The Epic Fail?

So, as inevitable as the turning of the wheel another year has come round again and soon it’ll be goodbye to another year.

Why the slightly pessimistic tone of the title for this post?  Well, like a lot of other people, I decided on some New Year’s resolutions.  Read 40 books… child’s play!!!  Read all of the Sherlock Holmes adventures in a year alongside them… a doddle!!!  And it was when I started the year.  But then, “real life” creeps up and things happen.  As John Lennon sang, “Life is what happens when you’re busy making plans”.  (Also, I had big problems with Goodreads which prevented from me logging my books on).

Both challenges went by the wayside by the middle of the year and, as I imagine what happens to a lot of people, I didn’t feel the inspiration to catch up – partly due to falling behind and partly due to things that we’re going on behind the scenes.


That said, it wasn’t all doom and gloom.

On the television front:

  • “Sherlock” came back with three fantastic stories and a great addition to the cast in Amanda Abbington as Mary Morstan/Watson.
  • Peter Capaldi took the controls of the TARDIS in the latest series of “Doctor Who”.  Admittedly, this series has been a bit of a mixed bag but I’m really hoping that Series 9 will get the show back on track especially as Capaldi is looking to inject some of the fun back into the role again.
  • I got addicted to the latest show in the DC television universe in “The Flash”.  I have to admit that I’ve only watched one episode of “Arrow” (the cross over episode with “The Flash”) and it wasn’t to my particular taste, but I do love the fantastical elements of “The Flash” and Grant Gustin is making for a likeable lead in Barry Allen.
  • And right up to a couple of weeks before Christmas we get the wonderful BBC three part series “Remember Me”.  I mean, who would have thought of former Monty Python star Michael Palin tackling such a brilliant supernatural drama.

At the cinema, it was a bit of a mixed bag this year with some truly brilliant films such as “The Imitation Game”, “Chef”, “Paddington”, “The Fault In Our Stars” and “Guardians Of The Galaxy”; some films that promised to be great and didn’t really deliver such as “X-Men: Days Of Future Past”; and some which were pretty awful – yes, “Nativity 3: Dude, Where’s My Donkey?”, I mean you.

On the personal front, although my reading challenges were a bit of a fail, I did take up the challenge of running my first 10K run in over twenty years.  Okay, a time of nearly one and a half hours could be seen as slow, and it was to me considering that I had trained for eleven weeks beforehand, but I was proud that I’d made it round at all given that I had turned 42 a week earlier.

My breaks away this year have been a little less epic than previous with a couple of athletics related trips to Sheffield and Birmingham, a trip to the historical city of York (which I would recommend to any history buffs – if anybody who hasn’t been to York before says that they can’t fill a week there, then there’s something wrong with you) and a break in the Cotswolds where I visited places like Warwick Castle, the Black Country Museum in Dudley and the Severn Valley Railway.  Not only did I manage to do all that cool stuff, but, just to top it all off, I also managed to bump into Mendy for breakfast and a catch up whilst I was on an overnighter in London.  I really hope that we get a chance to catch up again sooner rather than later for a bit longer than breakfast at the renowned Speedy’s Cafe (who do a great coffee and toast… plug plug).


Speaking of Mendy, I’d like to say how great a friend she’s been this year… and not because she’ll be reading this blog post.  There are some friends who you go to in times of trouble and you just want to have a laugh and a joke… and then there are friends like Mendy who will do that, but also give you the metaphorical arm around the shoulder whilst giving you help and advice without sugar coating it.  (For want of a better phrase, kicking my arse).  I have needed that this year and I’m glad that she’s been there for me when I have needed it.  Thank you, Mendy.


So, on to 2015.

  • Yes, yet again, I’ll sign up to do a Reading Challenge next year but I’m not going to beat myself up if I succeed or not.  I’ve already managed to snag myself plenty of books over the Christmas period which I’m looking forward to reading, including some of a geeky disposition.  (Yes… finally, I’ve bought the “Doctor Who” book “Engines of War” after everyone has been raving about it plus “Good Omens” after Mendy told me how good it is).
  • There are already a few films on the horizon for 2015 that have me in eager anticipation – “The Theory of Everything”, “The Woman In Black 2: The Angel of Death”, “Avengers 2: Age of Ultron”, “Terminator Genesys” (featuring some bloke called Matt Smith – he was big in television last year), the latest 007 offering “Spectre”, “Insurgent”, “Paper Towns”, “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2″… Oh and a little film called “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”.
  • Despite my concerns about Series 8, I’m looking forward to the return of Doctor Who later in the year with the enigmatically titled “The Magician’s Apprentice”.

On a personal note, I already have some breaks away planned, both athletics and non-athletics related including an epic trip to Ireland followed shortly after by a trip to London, both of which I’m really looking forward to.  I’m also looking to get back into running after the festive break, not only to get myself to get fitter but with the intention of tackling another 10K later in the year.


Finally, I just want to wish you all a happy, healthy and geeky 2015 and thank you, dear readers, for continuing to support the blog.

Goodbye 2014, hello 2015!

Hello everyone!

Another year has gone by! Time goes so fast! And what a year it has been. I’ve learned one thing: I’m terrible at New Year’s resolutions. I had 4 last year, and I failed at all of them. YAAAAY.

1) Participating at NaNoWriMo – Well, I did participate. I went to meetings. But I failed miserably when it comes to wordcount. But it was fun, so I’ll try again next year!
2) I didn’t set a goal for how many books I wanted to read, but I wanted at least to be reading a book at any point in time. I could take as long as I wanted to finish the book, but when I finished it I wanted to start reading another one instantly – I failed so hard at this one. I’ve finished one book this year. ONE. I’m a terrible person.
3) I wanted to follow at least 1 anime every season – This one worked out pretty well actually. Until the fall season started that is. I was way too busy with university and watching other series to also follow an anime. That said, I did continue watching ongoing anime, so I didn’t fail 100% at this one.
4) I wanted to visit the cinema at least once a week – That didn’t really work out too. Sometimes there are a lot of good movies at once, and sometimes none. I did go to the cinema frequently though.

That said, I am not going to make New Year’s resolutions for next year. You’ll understand why by now. But enough about what I didn’t do last year! Now it’s time for what I did do!

A lot of things changed in my personal life. I finished my internship and I finished my first master, after that, I started on my second master which I just finished last week. Go me! I went to Paris with Mendy and I went to the Azores with my boyfriend. Life is hard.


2014 was also a good year for gaming. We *coughmyboyfriendcough* bought a Playstation4, on which I played Infamous Second Son and I’m currently playing Dragon Age Inquisition. This year Nintendo released Mario Kart 8 (+ awesome DLC), Hyrule Warriors (+DLC), Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Smash Bros for Wii-U and 3DS, and Bayonetta 2 (they released more actually but this is what I’ve played). And don’t forget the introduction of the Amiibo’s! I’ve also played Shovel Knight (which was multi-plaform) and I got a bit into pc gaming (Minecraft and Left 4 Dead).

As for anime and manga, I’ve caught up with the Naruto anime (I skipped the fillers tough), and the manga has finished after 15 years! I don’t read the manga though, so I’m waiting patiently for the anime to end. I am watching Dragon Ball Z Kai (I didn’t watch Dragon Ball Z in my childhood, so I was lacking some basic anime knowledge) and I’m watching the remake of the sailor Moon anime (Sailor Moon Crystal). I’m not going to name every anime that I’ve watched this year, but some honorable mentions are D-Frag! Gin No Saji 2, Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta, Bokura Wa Minna Kawaisou, Isshuukan Friends, Mekaku City Actors, Soul Eater Not!, Ao Haru Ride, and Barakamon. Hayao Miyazaki released his last movie, The Wind Rises, and Studio Ghibli went on a break. But I got Mendy into Ghibli movies! And sadly, the legend of Korra came to an end. But what an ending it was! I’m planning to write a review of the Aang series and and Korra series next year. Oh yea, I went to Tsunacon and Abunaicon again too!

So that was last year. On to 2015! Having finished my studies also has a downside, because I’m sitting at home without a job now, *sort of*. I’m having a job in my field of study but I’m not getting payed for that and I have a job which has nothing to do with my field of study for which I do get payed. Both are part-time and temporary. So the next challenge is to find a job in my field of study for which I get payed! But I have a lot too look forward to, because I’m going to Zelda: Symphony of the Goddess in London in April, I’m officially graduating in May, and I’m *probably* going to Malaysia in June! I’m also planning to visit Tsunacon, Abunaicon and the first Dutch Comic Con! The New 3DS is probably releasing in Europe in 2015, and Majora’s Mask 3D, the new Star Fox, and Zelda U are being released next year too!

I wish you all a very very great and awesome and nerdy and geeky 2015! See you next year!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Team Hot Cute Girly Geek!

Hi my lovely and wonderful Geeky followers and fellow Geeky writers of course.


I asked my fellow bloggers to write a post wishing you all a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and turns out, every single one of them is writing something about how they look back on 2013 and looking forward to in 2014, it’s fine by me.

So, 2013, as we’re nearing the end of this year, people start to get a bit sentimental. Thinking about the stuff they did, and where in life they are going. I’ll be doing the same thing, geekwise.

In January I started back working after my lower back surgery from October 2012 and although I didn’t have a particular New Year’s resolution for 2013 I decided I would try to be more spontaneous. It had to do with my poor body’s physique. You all may know I’m chronically ill, as in, I have hypermobility syndrome, which basically translates into me being in pain and tired 24/7. This however doesn’t stop me from working fulltime and trying to keep up a social life. For the years past I was very careful about the stuff I did, or did want to do. That ended in me being somewhat of a hermit in my own home. And after that damned surgery I decided I didn’t want to go back to that.

I pushed my own boundaries, worked hard at my own recovery and had an amazing year to look back on. Some of the highlights.

I am a huge fan of Benedict Cumberbatch and Sherlock, and I met some pretty amazing Dutch girls online and I was fortunate enough to meet them in real life, cheering with them when Benedict’s name came on screen during Star trek into Darkness and a movie theatre full of trekkies who were about to kill us. One word: Epic!

I went to London, again, and I loved every bit of it.

I met my good friend and fellow blogger Theta in real life this year, showing him around Dutchieland, meeting some of the DCC (Dutch Cumber Collective) Although he lives across the pond in the UK he became one of my closest friends and I know, no matter what, he’ll always be there for me.

I turned 30. Ok, maybe not a highlight, I was really not looking forward to reaching that milestone. But with the help of friends I had a pretty epic birthday, due to the fact I share my birthday with one of my passions / addictions, Doctor Who. Everyone dressed up as a character, I did my first ever cosplay and we had so much fun and feels watching the 50th anniversary episode.

And although this was the first year I didn’t get to participate in Gishwhes, I did however NaNoWriMo, going back to one of my passions, writing, I wrote freaking 50.000 words in a month! And not to forget, I met some new friends as well!

I met Neil ‘freaking’ Gaiman!

Tekira started as an intern at the company I work at and we discovered our joint love for geekdom, she’s a wonderful friend and fellow blogger!

I still need to meet Zee in real life, but I’m sure it will happen sometime soon! I love you to bits Zee, the ultimate companion!

I think, with all the stuff I did and didn’t mention here I had a pretty good year. It was full of wonderful geeky stuff and highlights.

I raised this blog to another level, met some awesome friends and fellow geeks online which I’m in contact with a lot thanks to twitter and fb.  The blog keeps changing, keeps getting better, more stuff to write and to participate in.

And I’m looking forward to another epic year, meet some friends in real life, travelling to Paris and London again, maybe even Cardiff and, if I can pull it off, a visit to Theta!

A lot of movies and series to look forward to, a lot of new books, I almost finished my reading challenge this year, and who knows, maybe, finally a bit of love in this single geeky heart as well?

I want to thank all my followers, readers, friends, fellow writers, geeks, nerds, dorks, passerby’s, artists, and everyone else I forgot to mention for this piece for making 2013 into an epic year and I hope to see, meet, talk to, write with all of you again in 2014.

To say goodbye in the famous words of 9. You were fantastic… absolutely fantastic! And you what? So was I!


Love, your own hot cute girly geek Mendy.


Tekira 2This is the end of 2013, for Nintendo fans also known as the kick-off of ‘The Year of Luigi’ (or as Iwata-san would say ‘The Ear of Ruigi’). Nintendo celebrated Luigi’s 30th birthday by releasing Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, New Super Luigi U, Mario & Luigi Dream Team, Super Mario 3d World (with Luigi modes), Dr. Luigi, and a Luigi themed 3DS-XL. Since I don’t have infinite time and money, I’ve only played Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon, but I have to say it was one of the high-lights this year. Other games I was waiting for were coming at the end of 2013, so I was happy that Luigi’s Mansion was released in April (which is also when my birthday is, hehe). October/November were awesome months for me, because of the releases of Windwaker HD, Pokémon X&Y, and the Legend of Zelda: a Link between worlds (reviews are coming, I promise). Of course 2013 was also the year that Nintendo didn’t have a press-conference at the E3 but had some awesome announcements nonetheless, and that console wars are fired up again because of the release of the Xbox One and the Playstation 4. I don’t really care about those actually because Xbox sucks and the PS4 is way too expensive.

Anime-wise, I really disappointed myself. Because of my recently awakened Doctor Who fandom, I haven’t watch a single anime last season. I’m planning to make up for it next season, so that’s a good New Year’s resolution. Anime I did watch last year were Chihayafuru 2, Attack on Titan, the Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat, Genshiken Nidaime, and Silver Spoon (Gin no Saji). I’m really sorry that I have to say that this year didn’t have any new ‘treasures’ for me, like FMA Brotherhood or Steins;Gate once were. But I still have to finish Attack on Titan, so maybe I’m speaking to early.

Also, this was of course the year that I met Mendy and I started writing for this blog! I’m so grateful for that! I hope I can write more next year since I have tons of ideas!

2014 has tons to offer. Think about Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS, and Zelda Hyrule Warriors (working title). As for anime, I only know what to expect next season (look here → http://i4.minus.com/iEGQjOD6GZE9s.jpg (not made by me)), but I’m looking really forward to the new season of Gin no Saji and Chihayafuru (although I don’t know when that’s going to happen). At the E3, I’m going to keep my fingers crossed for Beyond Good & Evil 2 (as always) and a new Zelda announcement.

So, I wish you happy holidays and a new year full of awesome anime and games!

Tekira 1



Hello to everyone of various Geeky persuasions,


Well, another year has nearly gone and 2013 has been a bit of an exciting year, hasn’t it… well, it certainly has in the Whoniverse.  David Tennant has been cornering the law profession by portraying a policeman and a barrister whilst Matt Smith has been getting ready to play a singing psychopath, and that’s before you get Jenna Coleman portraying a Jane Austen character in a murder mystery, Karen Gillan shaving her head to portray a super-villain and Alex Kingston portraying a woman with imaginary blood on her hands in “The Scottish Play”.  Oh… and Arthur Darvill has portrayed a vicar and a busker, who says that you can’t have sedate roles after “Doctor Who”.

As for the series itself, we’ve had a new companion join the TARDIS, a return engagement by the Eighth Doctor (well, for just over seven minutes) onscreen, three Doctors… well, thirteen Doctors joined forces in one mammoth episode for the 50th anniversary and a sneak peak of the man who will forever be known as “The Eyebrows”, (Well, it certainly beats “Chinny”, “Sandshoes” or “Granddad”), whilst the collected powers of Mark Gatiss and David Bradley managed to probably turn every full-blooded Whovian into a gibbering wreck at the end of “An Adventure In Space And Time”.

But away from that, it’s been a big year for me because Mendy asked for me to join the “Hot Cute Girly Geek” team.  (I still wonder why, because I know that I don’t qualify for the “Girly” whilst the “Hot” and “Cute” are severely open to interpretation – However, if anyone wants to state otherwise on the latter two, I am open to offers… ahem).  In addition to this, I managed to meet the wonderful Mendy for the first time on her turf, and my trip to The Netherlands has provided me with memories that will last a lifetime.

So, in anticipation of a festive season which will see Whovians everywhere become gibbering wrecks again as we wave goodbye to “Eleven”, may I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2014.

Oh… and if anyone’s still stuck for a Christmas present for me, a TARDIS would be wonderful so I can visit all of my friends across the world… either that or the winning lottery numbers.

Best wishes and lots of love,

“Theta Sigma”


Merry Christmas geeks of all gender and age! Or God Jul as we say in Sweden! 🙂 If you are fairly new to this blog you might not know who I am. I’m Zandrina – if you want to know more there is a page called about Zee for you to look at.

This is a Christmas greeting from me to you, and it’ll probably be short and sweet although too long to tweet. I’m currently in a car on my way to my aunt to celebrate Christmas Eve. As I’m sitting here I’m looking back on the year that was and it’s been a good one. I started a beauty channel on YouTube, I started blogging for Mendy and I’ve gotten to know both Mendy and Theta, and very recently, Tessa. They are a great team to work with – understanding is not enough to explain what they are. I’ve been a useless blogger the past few months and instead of searching for a replacement they just understand. Thank you guys – I love you all and I hope you get a fantastic Christmas!

To all our lovely readers – thank you for reading and for sticking by us (even if I’ve hardly contributed). Merry Christmas and take care of yourselves. Until next time, Keep rocking that geek!

xx Zee

Getting into the Christmas spirit… with David Tennant

Hi my hot cute girly geeks and boy geeks of course.

Last year I was recovering from a lower back hernia surgery, and one of the things that really lifted my spirits was the Christmas Panto done by Absolute Radio. This year they’re back.

Because of that ridiculous thing called work, I wasn’t able to follow it live. But have no fear, they recorded it yet again.

What can you expect? Well, David Tennant in his marvelous Scottish accent, bad script writing, terrible puns, zombies and one hell of a Christmas Spirit!


So sit back, relax and enjoy the Absolute Radio Christmas Panto 2013: ZombieClaus:

And just for the people who missed it, I added last year’s Christmas Panto, ‘Dude, Where’s my Donkey?’ as well for your viewing pleasure. Just click on the link and watch all the shows!

Absolute Radio Nativity show

Love, your own hot cute girly geek, Mendy.

PS: Disclaimer: I do not own the videos or pictures used in this blog. No copyright infringement intended. Everything belongs to their respective owners and Absolute Radio.

All I Want For Christmas Is Who: The Snowmen by Steven Moffat

This review is rated “Shhhhhhhhhhh” for Spoilers.  Please don’t read on if you haven’t seen this episode as major plot points are discussed.

England 1842 and a lonely young boy is befriended by the snowman he made.

Fifty years later, and the embittered Doctor Simeon is looking to that make that particular one the last that mankind ever sees, but another doctor is in town – one that is lonely and embittered by recent losses.  Can a governess warm this Doctor’s hearts and with it bring a hero out of retirement?

“The Snowmen” is one of those Doctor Who stories where there are plenty of things going and you need to have more than one viewing.  On the surface, this is a nice little Christmas episode with Victorian trappings and killer Snowmen, but there’s a lot more to this episode than meets the eye.

Steven Moffat’s script is very much one where you need to be looking underneath the wrapping to get to the real present.

Moffat uses his characters are mirrors alongside each other.  The Doctor and Doctor Simeon are the main ones for this, each reflecting the other’s bitterness and solitude.  The character of Clara is, obviously, a mirror for the character of Oswin from “Asylum Of The Daleks”… and the TARDIS herself gets in the act as the console room reflects the Doctor’s mood.

Secondly, this script is one that appears to have one eye on the programme’s 50th anniversary.  Yes, there are clear references to the Whoniverse’s recent history – a Doctor damaged by recent experiences, the “Scooby Gang” of MadameVastra, Jenny and Strax from “A Good Man Goes To War” and the “Doctor Who?” thread that’s been running since “The Wedding of River Song”, but this is a continuity that is steadily getting more and more comfortable with being referential in its own past – such as with the Doctor being cold and isolated alongside the reference by Vastra to him not wishing to interfere but only to observe (which has been a keystone to the Whoniverse since the Time Lords were introduced in “The War Games”), the new console room and the return of an old enemy.

Thirdly, this is a story which is unafraid to have fun at the author’s own expense with references to Moffat’s “Sherlock” when the Doctor becomes “Sherlock Holmes” along with a finely hidden musical reference to that series, along with some gags and jokes from other genre series.

Matt Smith delivers probably one of his finest, if not his finest, performance as the Doctor as he has to, in effect, play two characters linked, but almost independent from each other.  At the start of the episode, he takes his incarnation of the Doctor and twists it with a darker edge similar to the early days of when William Hartnell and Christopher Eccleston portrayed the role to make the Doctor a multi-dimensional character (no pun intended).  The humour is there all along, especially with the Matt’s performance alongside Dan Starkey in the role of Strax – which I’ll speak of later, but it has a darker “don’t touch me” edge to it.  However, he has to suppress the Doctor’s curiosity and adventurer aspect of his persona, but in a “Doctor doth protest too much” way.  He says that he doesn’t want to get involved in the ongoing crisis and that he wants to be left alone, but as the viewer we also see that the Doctor subconsciously protests  against this attitude  especially in the scene where the Doctor visit’s Captain Latimer’s house to see the pond and his right hand behaves independently of the rest of him.

However, we all know the Doctor as we know and love him is going to return and he does in what I call the “Superman II” moment when the Doctor realises that the tie has been wearing has changed into a bow tie along with his statement that bow ties are, indeed, “cool”.  From there on in, he returns to being a show off, particularly to Clara, which sits alongside the Doctor’s attitude in “The God Complex” where he tells Amy that he wanted to be adored, as well as being funny, effervescent and sympathetic – particularly when Clara dies.

All along though, there is a sense that he is more overtly cunning than he has previously been allowed to be, particularly in the scene where he clowns around as “Sherlock” by making clearly incorrect deductions to get the real information from the Intelligence along with the scene where he and Clara escape from the Ice Governess and the Doctor panics to test whether Clara has the “right stuff” to be a companion.

Jenna-Louise Coleman probably has the toughest entry of any companion in the show’s near fifty year history as she has to sell a mystery as equal to the Doctor’s – in effect, she has to sell that Past Clara  is the same person, or at the very least interrelated to Future Clara/Oswin, albeit from two different time periods, plus add in the fact that she is featured in the present day epilogue as Contemporary Clara/Oswin.  This is cleverly shown through Ms Coleman’s performance by making Clara as cheeky and flirty as Oswin, whilst adding in an apparent imagination which may give further clues to Clara/Oswin, such as her stories to the Latimer children about being born behind the clock of Big Ben and inventing fish because she didn’t want to swim alone.

Other elements help to give clues to Clara’s back story including the use of Oswin’s muscial motif when she tracks down the Doctor and the perception filtered TARDIS and the referencing of Oswin’s well known lines such as her love for making souffles and “Run you clever boy”.  However, this is a character who, like Rose and the Bad Wolf or the DoctorDonna, is going to have a “long game” and it’s going to be come April to see more of Clara Mark III when the Doctor starts adventuring with her, especially as the “Woman Twice Dead” figure large in forthcoming adventures.

Returning for this adventure are the aforementioned “Scooby Gang” of Madame Vastra, Jenny and Strax and they add a continuity to the series and a credibility to the fact that once the Doctor touches somebody’s life, they’re always a part of his life.

Neve McIntosh as Vastra and Catrin Stewart as Jenny are brilliant in their twin roles as the Victorian crimefighters behaving more like the Steed and Emma Peel of the era rather than the basis for the Holmes and Watson for Dr Doyle’s works of fiction.  Again, there appears to be a link between “Doctor Who” and “Sherlock” with Vastra and Jenny’s relationship mirroring the often mentioned “romantic” relationship between Sherlock and John – however, I don’t think Sherlock and John will be marrying anytime soon.

However, out of the trio, I think that Dan Starkey gets the best deal out of the returning actors in the role of Strax.  Where Sontarans have usually been humourless and second string aliens behind the Daleks and Cybermen, Starkey elevates them to the top table by virtue of his performance as Strax.  Yes, the character is single minded in so much that he wants to use military force rather than cunning and intelligence to investigate but he adds a sense of humour in this with his love of the use of weaponry (I want to see “laser monkeys”) and his heavy handed interrogation techniques.

In addition to this, he develops a comedy double act with Matt Smith which sparkles with the Doctor being the supposedly smart one and with Strax being the other supposedly smart one.  They are an intergalactic Laurel and Hardy with Strax supplying quick comebacks such as in the “Sherlock Holmes” scene, their joint bumbling in the “memory worm” scene at the beginning of the episode and the constant put downs between the pair with the Doctor calling Strax a “psychotic potato dwarf” and Strax berating the Doctor on his apathy.

In fact, it is this trio who, along with Clara, who are the catalyst for bringing the Doctor back, not only by constantly pressing him about his isolation, but with the questioning scene where one word… “Pond”… piques his curiosity along with a remembrance of the man who he was.

On the side of villainy, you get Richard E. Grant in the role of Doctor Simeon and Sir Ian McKellen in the role of The Great Intelligence.

Simeon is basically a stooge for the Intelligence’s plans as in the cases of Padmasambhava in “The Abominable Snowmen” (1967) and Travers in “The Web Of Fear” (1968) who uses his loneliness as a seduction tool for its purpose.  The Intelligence is the real villain – even to the point of “pulling the strings” of Simeon towards the end of the episode as it does to Staff Sergeant Arnold in “The Web Of Fear”.

Another area where The Intelligence of this episode is consistent with the previous episodes in which it features from the classic series with “The Snowmen” and that is the very fact of its use of snowmen as pawns.  In the classic series, the “Snowmen” are the Yeti – fur covered robots – whereas in this episode they are literally snowmen who are the Intelligence’s footsoldiers.

However, the real fanboy moment is the Doctor himself having a bit of a geeky moment with his use of the London Underground (circa 1967) lunchbox which was the setting of “The Web Of Fear” along with his vague remembrance of the Intelligence.

There are a few apparently cosmetic differences to the programme which not only sets the tone for the forthcoming 50th anniversary, but also acts as a marker between Season 7a and Season 7b.

The opening credits are revamped with an updated theme tune and visuals which have returned to including a visual, albeit a shrouded one, of Matt Smith’s face as part of the titles which is a return to the style of the opening titles between 1967 and 1989.

But the real kiss to the past is the revamped console room.  This is going to be something that splits opinion as there are some who are going to love the warm, magical quality of the previous eleventh Doctor console room and some loving the new one.  My personal opinion is that they both suit the era of the programme with the previous console room being in an “era” where there is a spirit of magic where companions have names which have come straight from a fairy tale, whilst the new one looks forward by looking to the past with a clearly mechanical/Jules Verne style influence dominating the console room with classic series sound effects, proper switches, and rotating pieces at the top of the console.  (I am really looking forward to the forthcoming episode “Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS”).

This is a story that is less about Christmas – even though the story is set at Christmas with the Doctor even whistling “Silent Night” at one point – than it is about setting the direction of “Doctor Who” for the immediate future and acknowledging that it is based on a fifty year history for the programme.

With the ongoing mystery of Clara’s nature as well as a fiftieth anniversary to celebrate, old friends returning, and the prospect of “The Fall Of The Eleventh” rearing its head in the show’s longer term future, it’s going to be interesting to see where the Doctor and Clara runs… and whether there are going to be plenty of more plot twists and red herrings which will wrong foot the audience.

“Watch me run”… Yes, Doctor.  I will be and I’m looking forward to where you’ll be taking my friends and I.

All I want for Christmas is Who: the end of time part 2

Hi my fellow whovians, this is my last review of Christmas, a bit late. But In the meantime I had a wonderful Christmas dinner (which I cooked myself) got some nice gifts and gave some nice gifts away, watched the latest Christmas episode (god, still buzzing on the couch right now, keep a look out for that review and watch it again, we have to wait till April next year for another new episode, Damn you Moffat!!!) and now I’m settled on the couch with my cat, comfy clothes, a cold beer, tissues, a plush adipose to keep me company and chocolate, lots and lots of chocolate.

Do I have to say it again? Yes? Ok, this review contains spoilers my sweeties.

We ended the previous episode with a big surprise, the Time Lords are back and now we are taken to see the remains of the broken planet of Gallifrey, scattered in Dalek ships. On the last day of the Time War the remaining Time Lords gather, asking for the Doctor and something he has in his possession ‘the moment’ because they have foreseen him destroying Dalek and Gallifrey alike. Lord President will not die today and will do everything in his power to stop himself of dying. The key to surviving are the Doctor, the Master and Earth…

2012-08-30-dweot-1Back in the Naismith layer, The Doctor and Wilf are captured by the Master and the other Masters turn over the power to the original Master. And someone rings Wilf. But that can’t be, everyone is the Master, except Donna. The Masters locate her and Donna is still remembering until she bursts with energy and faints. The Doctor explains it’s just a defense mechanism. And he still wants to save the Master, trying to convince him, plead with him, although I suspect he somehow knows the Master doesn’t accept his offer.

The Master: Tell me, where’s your Tardis?
The Doctor: You could be so wonderful.
The Master: Where is it?
The Doctor: You’re a genius. You’re stone cold brilliant; you are, I swear, you really are. But you could be so much more. You could be beautiful. With a mind like that, we could travel the stars. It would be my honor. Because you don’t need to own the universe, just see it. Have the privilege of seeing the whole of time and space. That’s ownership enough.
The Master: Would it stop then? The noise in my head.
The Doctor: I can help.
The Master: I don’t know what I’d be without that noise.
The Doctor: I wonder what I’d be without you.
The Master: Yeah.

The Master takes us back to his childhood and how he became how he is now. The origin of the beat of the drums, a rhythm of four, the heartbeat of a Time Lord…

The Master still wants the Tardis and tries to compel the Doctor by threatening to kill Wilf, and the master is still bone death stupid:

The Doctor: You’ve got 6 billion pairs of eyes, and you still can’t see the obvious, can you?
The Master: What?
The Doctor: That guard is one inch too tall.

Dr-Who-Evacuation-chairCacti to the rescue (that’s racist! I know but it such a fun nickname. They rescue Wilf and the Doctor, although keeping him in his wheelie chair thingy, NOT THE STAIRS!!! Yep indeed dworst rescue ever. They beam up to the salvage ship of the Cacti, while when the Doctor gets out, destroys the controls.  And sweet old Wilf is still a bit dazzled about being in space. Every Master is searching for the Cacti ship (oh I do love to say Cacti) but can’t find it and the Doctor, the Doctor looks defeated, at last.

The Masters are trying to find the signal of the drums and all 6 billion of them tune into it. Turns out the Time-Lords are behind this and they try to establish a permanent link trough time and space with Earth to escape the Time War and death itself. Wilf is wandering through the Cacti ship and runs into the mystery woman again. She tells him that the Doctor needs to arm himself, Wilf brought his old gun with him, from the war, but also tells the woman that the Doctor doesn’t do guns (well that’s a bit debatable) The Doctor and Wilf talk again, over what happened and the war Wilf was in. The Doctor taking all the blame on Dr-Who-no-gunshimself, seeing humanity as giants. Wilf wants to hand the doctor the gun. But he doesn’t take it, and we get another beautiful and sentimental piece:

The Doctor: I’d be proud.
Wilfred Mott: Of what?
The Doctor: If you were my dad.
Wilfred Mott: Come on, don’t start. But you said, you were told that he would knock four times, and then you die. Well, that’s him, isn’t it? The Master, that noise in his head. The Master is going to kill you.
The Doctor: Yeah.
Wilfred Mott: Then kill him first.
The Doctor: That’s how the Master started. It’s not like I’m an innocent. I’ve taken lives. And I got worse, I got clever. Manipulated people into taking their own. Sometimes I think a Time lord lives too long. I can’t. I just can’t.
Wilfred Mott: If The Master dies, what happens to all the people?
The Doctor: I don’t know.
Wilfred Mott: Doctor, what happens?
The Doctor: The template snaps.
Wilfred Mott: Will they go back to being human, they’re alive and human? Then don’t you dare, sir, don’t you dare put him before them. Now you take this, that’s an order, Doctor. You take the gun; you take the gun and save your life. And please don’t die; you’re the most wonderful man on earth! I don’t want you to die!

The Doctor: Never

The Master broadcasts his message, about finding the white point star diamond. The Time Lords are returning and the Doctor finally accepts the gun, running of. The Masters open a pathway to bring back Gallifrey, to bring home the Time-Lords. And Gallifrey rises.

Turns out the Time-lords aren’t that wonderful, and the doctor unfrazzels the asteroid lasers on the salvage ships, giving Wilf orders to return to one last battle and manning one of the lasers. The Cacti don’t want the doctor moving the ship, like that’s gonna help:

The Doctor: There’s an old Earth saying, Captain. A phrase of great power and wisdom and consolation to the soul in times of need.
Addams: What’s that then?
The Doctor: [shouts] Allons-y!

The Masters launch the earth’s missiles on the ship while Wilf and one of the Cacti start shooting at them (Hello Star Wars reference). Back at the Time Lords, we find out that the mystery woman is a Time-Lord herself, an angel of old. And the Doctor is steering the ship towards the Naismith mansion and the Time-Lords are closing in. The Doctor jumps out of the ship into the mansion but didn’t think this plan really trough. Although he’s a lot sturdier then a human being, he looks pretty broken when he makes contact with the floor and is confronted by the Lord President. We also learn the final plan of the Master; he wants to transport himself into every Time Lord, big whoops. But they came prepared and all humans are turned back to themselves again.

End_of_Time_2Turns out not only the Time-Lords are returning but the whole of Gallifrey as a planet. Now that can’t be good. Wilf is back in the mansion and the Cacti run like hell, seems like a smart move, now earth is about to be knock out of orbit. Only Wilf is brave enough to run towards the doctor, saving one of the scientists in the radiation room, locking himself in. The Doctor tries to explain to the Master what he’s done. Destroying everything in its way and we learn why the Doctor destroyed his race. Why he had to make that sacrifice. While the Lord President wants to kill the Master, the Doctor pulls out his gun, first pointing towards the Lord President and then the Master. You see him thinking, doubting, gathering courage to do what needs to be done, switching between the Master and the Lord President. Is the Doctor strong enough to do what needs to be done, can he make that sacrifice. And he does shoot, but not the obvious choice, he shoots the machine control.

And the Master, the Master saves the Doctor, he doesn’t die, he doesn’t fulfill the prophecy! Gallifrey returns back and the doctor lives, he’s alive!

Four knocks sounds and then it hits the doctor, it’s not over yet. And he hates Wilf for a second, you see him being defeated yet again, but this time it’s final. So much emotion in a split DW_4x18_The_End_of_Time_(Pt_2)_0669second. Wilf is still in the radiation chamber and the doctor explains that it’s gonna be blasted with radiation any second now. For a moment the Doctor wants to keep Wilf in there, but he can’t. He can’t let someone else sacrifice himself for him. And the Doctor breaks, angry, crying, shouting out to the universe and it isn’t fair. But he still can’t let him die. Because that it who the doctor is. In that moment we see inside his hearts, his deepest regrets and highest moments and Wilf realizes what he is about to do. The Doctor sacrificing himself for Wilfred, dying in the process to do so, the most antagonizing moment to watch him in such pain.

But he walks out of the radiation chamber, “oh now it opens.” And instantly the doctor is healed. But it’s not healing, it’s regenerating. And Wilf just hugs him, because, what can you say in a moment like that, to a man like that. Knowing what he just did.

Donna is still unconscious on the couch, and she wakes up to the sound of the Tardis arriving. And yet again she missed everything… again. The Doctor promises to see Wilf again, leaving him, saying he’s going to get his reward.

He is saying goodbye to his loved ones. The saddest song playing.

Martha and Mickey, rescuing them from a Sontaran sniper. And wait what. What. what? They are married! Never saw that one coming.


Luke and Sarah Jane Smith, while saving Luke from a car, running him almost down.


Captain Jack Harkness, not saving him but hooking him up with none other than Midshipman Frame


Verity Newman, the great granddaughter of Joan Redfern, while she is signing her book ‘a Journal of impossible things.’


Donna, at her wedding, this time she got to say yes. And Wilf, leaving a present for Donna, a lottery ticket, bought by a pound coin, given to him by Donna’s dad, Sylvia Nobles husband.


And then I broke down in tears…

Finally a goodbye to the girl where it all began… Rose.


Doctor-Who-The-End-of-TimeThe doctor tries to get back to the tardis but collapses, Ood Sigma appears, telling him the whole universe will sing him to his sleep. The Doctor all but drags himself back into the tardis. Ood Sigma tells him, “This song is ending, but the story never ends.”


Oh god, I can’t, not anymore, please, this is just the saddest thing ever. I don’t want to watch that ending again. The reason I’ve been postponing this.

Back in his Tardis the Doctor finally starts to regenerate, still trying to fight it, taking the Tardis into outer space, not wanting to give in, not wanting to give up. Those famous last words

I don’t want to go


He almost destroys the Tardis in the process and he turns into the 11th doctor, the Tardis is crashing and falling back to earth.

It is so hard to explain why these two episodes are the greatest episodes out of the Doctor Who new series. Well, why I think they are. It’s the ending of an era, the last piece of David Tennant, the ultimate climax, the big bang. Building up to it. Seeing the Time Lords, the Master, so much emotion, happy and sad, angry and funny. Saying goodbye to all the wonderful friends he made as the 10th Doctor, knowing that the universe still loves him, even though he feels betrayed by it. It’s hard to bring it into words, it’s a feeling you have. In my opinion it shows the Doctor, period. The best acting of David Tennant. And I do feel that the last couple of minutes, after the most heartbreaking ending ever, are diminishing that ending. They should have stopped at I don’t want to go. They should have stopped at his regeneration and the destruction of the tardis.

If you haven’t seen this episode yet, do so. And let me know your thoughts about it.

There is one last thing for me to say to you, after this review. Only one word fitting enough to end this:


All I want for Christmas is Who: the Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe

Hi my fellow whovians, last year’s Christmas special is up for review, and since I watched just a few weeks ago, I didn’t watch it yet again. And there’s a reason for that. From all the Christmas specials, I like this one the lest. But we’ll come to that. If you’re a geek and into fantasy as well as sci-fi you probably noticed the title of this episode resembles one of the stories from Narnia (or if you haven’t read the books, the first Narnia movie: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) even the episode does have some crossovers with the movie. And this isn’t a particular scary episode, it’s more about love and family and spending that special time with your loved ones. Oh and as always, spoilers!!!



We start off in 1938, Christmas Eve, Madge Arwell investigates something that fell out of the sky and she finds a man in a spacesuit. She decides helping out the spaceman with its helmet on backwards (oh silly, silly Doctor) by getting him back to a blue police box. The spaceman tells her he wants to repay her for her kindness; all she has to do is make a wish.

Three years later we find Madge in the middle of the Second World War and her husband is a fighter pilot. He is flying his plane blind and has no means to land safe; looking at a picture of his wife he apologizes.

Marge receives a telegram, telling her, her husband is lost at sea and declared deceased. Not wanting to upset her children, and forever remembering Christmas with the dead of their father, she decides not to tell them. Because of the bombing, the family is to leave for Uncle Digby’s estate and the last dinner at home, the children break a wishbone and Madge makes a silent wish for help.

The-Doctor-The-Widow-and-The-Wardrobe-7Arriving at the estate of Uncle Digby the family is greeted by the Doctor, explaining he is the caretaker and since Madge never seen the Doctor (because of the whole spacesuit / helmet on backwards) she doesn’t recognize him. The Doctor get’s everyone inside and takes them for a tour of the house, showing the most wonderful and ludicrous things he did to ‘upgrade’ the house so it’s more fun now. Moving chairs in the TV room, lemonade out of the tap and the most awesome children’s bedroom with toys and no beds but hammocks, cause hammocks are cool! Madge is on edge and stricken with grief and shouts at the Doctor to stop this insane behavior. The children are send of and Madge explains what happened. Before they can continue the conversation the children scream in delight. They found the Christmas tree the Doctor has put up, and also the enormous present besides it.

Children are nosy and Madge her children are no exception, Cyril, the boy, sneaks out of bed to open the big present. (Lily wanted to do so also, but she got distracted by a strange noise coming from the attic.) What is it with these children? Can’t they wait till they’re allowed to open the presents? I love presents but I’ve always contained myself and never opened one to early, although I have the nasty habit of guessing what’s inside before opening.p00pgd7b

So Cyril finds not a present but a portal inside the box and crawls trough, finding a snow covered world. He also finds ornaments growing on the trees and picks one. But seeing a face on it, he hastily drops is. The ornament hatched and something comes out of it.

Back at the house, Lily finds the Doctor in the attic, lying about the TARDIS being a wardrobe to her. The Doctor inquires about Cyril and when they go look for him, he’s missing from his hammock. The rush towards the Christmas tree and see Cyril re-entering the present/portal and follow him.  Because of some timey wimey stuff they find that Cyril is long gone and the Doctor and Lily follow his footsteps in the snow.

Marge wakes up and finds the caretaker and both her children gone, and she also finds the present / portal. She crawls trough it. She finds 3 Harvest Rangers, and they explain she needs doctor-who-the-doctor-the-widow-and-the-wardrobe-madge-arwell-1-366x550to leave because of the acid rain coming down to melt the trees for fuel. She tricks them in thinking she’s harmless and forces them into helping her find her kids.The-Doctor-The-Widow-and-the-Wardrobe-spoiler-pics-1

Meanwhile back in the forest, the footsteps lead towards a large tower. Cyril is already inside and on the top floor, facing a wooden queen and as soon as he sits on the throne, she puts a crown on his head. The Doctor and Lily also go upstairs and are followed by the wooden king. The Doctor tries his sonic, but as you know, his sonic doesn’t do wood. They find Cyril in the top and the Doctor questions the king and queen. They are trying to evacuate the forest, but they need some kind of vessel.Doctor-Who-Christmas-Spec-007

Meanwhile back at Marge, she is inside this big robot thingy and tries to locate their children. But before the female ranger can help her properly, all three rangers are beamed out of there, so Madge decides the ‘drive’ the robot herself, following the signal. And eventually trashing the robot next to the tower.

The king and queen decide Madge is the one they’ll use as vessel for the forest life and the top of the tower, together with the inhabitants finds themselves in the vortex. The Doctor urges the-doctor-the-widow-and-the-wardrobe-doctor-who-171211-Madge to think of home in order to ‘pilot’ them back safe. She does so but then stumbles onto memories of her husband and how he died. The children are shocked to learn their father is death, but before any real questions can be asked they find themselves back at Uncle Digby’s mansion with a great flash of light.

While Madge tries to comfort her children and tries to explain about their dad, the Doctor pops out of the space ship only to come rushing in to get the family. They need to see something. Madge’s husband of all people is standing next to his plane on the Digby lawn. And the Doctor explains to Madge that her love led her husband into the time vortex and the blinding light was used as guide back home.

Back at the mansion the Doctor prepares to leave, but Madge asks him to stay for Christmas dinner. He tells her he can’t and Madge assumes he must have a family of his own to get to. When the Doctor tells them his friends thing they are death, Marge orders him to go to them.

He does so and stands before a TARDIS blue door, when he knocks; Amy opens with a water gun in her hand, thinking there are Christmas carolers for her door again. (That’s not very nice Mrs. Pond!) Finally after a sentimental moment, the Doctor asks if they have room for one more at their Christmas dinner and Amy replies they always set and extra plate for him. The Doctor is surprised to find tears on his face and enters the home of the Ponds to enjoy in their festivities.

Like I said, this isn’t one of my favorite Christmas specials; maybe because it’s all too mushy, but I don’t like the monsters, the Doctor doesn’t really seem as the Doctor. Madge is annoying and a little bit crazy, the kids are even more annoying and I don’t know, it’s just a feeling.

But have a look out for the second last review of today, the Snowman!

Love, your hot cute girly whovian, Mendy

All I want for Christmas is Who: A Christmas Carol

Hello my hot, cute, geeky girls and boys! This is your favourite swede typing! If Mendy is hosting a Doctor Who special you know I have to be part of it, right? This took me and hour to write so you better darn well appreciate it 😉

As the title of this episode implies this episode is a take on Dickens’ old classic, a Christmas Carol. In the old classic, one of my favourite Christmas films, the old grumpy man is met by three spirits of Christmas, and something similar is what happens in this episode.

Starring in this episode we have Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor along with Karen Gillian and Arthur Darvill as The Ponds, Amy and Rory. We also have a few other characters as usual in these Christmas specials. The two to focus on are Kazran and Abigail. The episode is written by the great Steven Moffat and directed by Toby Haynes. I’m not going to go into any major details but more or less swoosh you through the story adding my own thoughts as we go.

Doctor Who Christmas Carol.png

We hit the story during Rory and Amy’s honeymoon that they seem to be spending on a cruise spaceship. The first scene is pretty intense, Amy, in her policewoman outfit, and Rory, as a centurion, barge into the control room of the ship that is, without a doubt, going to crash. The ship is caught in a strange cloud belt and the crew seems to think it’s all over. Amy, on the other hand just knows that they will be saved. You sit staring into the stars, hoping, as the message “Come along, Pond” appears on the window and the TARDIS swooshes by.

The Doctor can’t save the ship, but lands on the planet below to try and get the leader Kazran Sardick to help him. You see, Kazran has a machine that controls the cloud layer but he is one grumpy man and he just refuses to do it. (Can you see the similarity to Ebenezer Scrooge? I CAN!) The machine is built by Kazran’s father and the Doctor can see that Kazran has a fear of his father by the way he talks and acts around the machine. So, the cunning and brilliant Doctor decides to go back in time, and make Kazran a better man using the old classic tale as inspiration.

Present Kazran is shown what happens in his past by a film monitor, and he watches the Doctor appear in his bedroom when he was just a young boy. The Doctor presents himself as young Kazran’s new Nanny (Imagine having Eleven as your Nanny… YES PLEASE!) Young Kazran is an imaginative and curious boy who, more than anything, wants to meet one of the flying fish that appear in the clouds, but his father won’t let him. The Doctor sets a trap using his Sonic Screwdriver and the two hid inside a closet. The result of this is that a Shark eats the Sonic and the Doctor can only retrieve half of it. The shark is wounded in the process and cannot fly back into the cloud belt. Young Kazran has an idea about using cryostorage to help the shark back. Cryostorage is more or less a big freezer with containers created by Kazran’s father. He gave loans to his people if they had a person that he could freeze as security. This is where Abigail enters the story. She is one of the people in the cryostorage and she is released from her container and sings the shark to health and calms it down. Something about the cloud particles resonating with the sound from her singing. (Everything isn’t logical in Doctor Who!) Using Abigail’s container the Doctor gets the shark back into the cloud belt and as they are about to lock Abigail up again Kazran promises that they’ll come and release her every Christmas Eve. The Doctor uses his TARDIS to jump forward one year and we are treated to a montage of crazy. A montage where Abigail at first is interested in the Doctor and then becomes infatuated with Kazran as he grows older. During these visits they go places using the TARDIS and he takes them to a party where Abigail lets Kazran in on a little secret. We, the audience and the Doctor, are not told this secret but we can tell that Kazran is heartbroken by the news. When they lock Abigail away Kazran tells the Doctor that he doesn’t want him to come back next Christmas and their little tradition should be cancelled. The Doctor agrees, but turns up anyway, trying to change his mind, although Kazran won’t budge.

Old Kazran, who watches all this happen smiles at his memories but is saddened by the news given to him by Abigail and still refuses to help save the spaceship.  He is visited by the holograms of the 4003 people on the spaceship, singing Christmas songs, and a pleading Amy but he waves them away. Suddenly the Doctor appears infront of old Kazran and he mocks the Doctor, asking if he will take him to see his future. He continues to say that he doesn’t care if he dies old and alone because Abigail won’t be with him anyway. It turns out that Abigail had an incurable disease when she was handed in as security and she now only has one day left to live. And how do you chose what day should be the last you spend with the love of your life? What old Kazran doesn’t know is that the Doctor had brought Young Kazran with him and he now sees that he himself grows up to be very alike his much feared father. This means that the memory that Young Kazran gets upon seeing this is the equivalent of the ghost of Christmas Future. When Young Kazran decides to change so does old Kazran and Young Kazran releases the controls to save the ship. However, the machine is isomorphic. AKA it will only work for Kazran, and now that he has changed, the machine doesn’t recognize him. Every hope seems to be gone until the Doctor has an idea:


Now, do you remember that Abigail’s singing calmed the shark down? Well, apparently her voice can make the cloud belt go away aswell. But, this means that Kazran must release her from her container and doing this will inevitably kill her. With this knowledge in mind he still releases her, and she understands him, telling him that it’s high time that they spend Christmas Day together. She sings into the half Screwdriver that the Doctor still has and her voice resonates into the cloud belt and the clouds vanish and the ship can land safely. It starts to snow as Amy and Rory are reunited with the Doctor and Kazran and Abigail enjoy one last shark-led carriage-ride.

I think that this is my favourite Christmas Special, maybe because it contains the old classic mixed in with my favourite show or maybe because it contains love and adventure just like a good Doctor Who episode should!
Then again, I’ve been slacking immensely in the watching of Doctor Who episodes and have not seen last year’s Special yet so who am I to talk?

Now I’m going to take my milk carton TARDIS and my crocheted Adipose and wait for my dad to finish the English Christmas dinner downstairs. Who knows, maybe this year the Doctor will come for me?

Until next time, keep rocking that geek!
xx Zandrina