Looking back on 2014 and looking forward to 2015.

Hi my hot cute girly geeks and boy geeks of course. We agreed to do a, we’re looking forward to 2015 and looking back towards 2014.


I had a pretty turbulent year. But I guess it was no exception to the past years. The biggest thing for this past year was work related. With the economic crisis and working in mental health sector. The government is planning big reforming plan for 2015 I expected to be out of a job by the end of the year. For me this meant a tight budget, putting all extra money on my savings account, no vacations or extra stuff and looking for a new job.

On the one hand, it’s really scary. I have a house, a mortgage, and a permanent position with my old boss. But I also knew it didn’t meant anything if they wanted to let you go.

I also made plans about going back to school, maybe learning to be an English teacher and getting my CPE degree. Another plan was to move to the UK, because there were more jobs there for my line of work.

Luckily, I could start prepping for my CPE degree the day I decided and I followed a 10-week course, which ended in an exam, which I passed! I am now the proud owner of my CPE degree in the highest level, near native speaker. I was and am still very happy with this degree. It also means that if I want to move to the UK I can!

Furthermore, I went on a job hunt. It had its ups and downs. Loads of companies now a day don’t even bother to send you a confirmation letter any more or even let you know you didn’t get the job.

I ended up with three interviews. One job was a ridiculous low pay, so low I couldn’t even pay my mortgage, let alone groceries and other bills.

Another job I got a second interview, but I felt like it wasn’t for me.

The third interview almost hired me on the spot. I got a call back the same day I did the interview to sign my contract. It also meant I could work lesser hours for more pay. I now work with this company for four months and love it. I found my place, love my work and colleagues and I have a normal boss. Which is awesome.

On landing this job I could book a vacation as well, be it last minute, but I spend 5 days in London with my mum. Saw Martin Freeman perform live on stage. Hugged my bestie at Speedy’s café. Went to the season 8 premier of Doctor Who in the cinema, got my picture taken with a real-life tardis and Dalek and generally had an amazing time, feeling at home again back in London.

2014 was also the year I got back in contact with my dad after a huge fight and me being generally tired of the way he treated me. Things are getting better and he’s coming over for Christmas day this year.

I started Gishwhes, but it was a bust thanks to no help from my temporary roommate.

I started NaNoWriMo but had to give up after two weeks after some health problems. But I did meet new friends, which is epic.

I decided to celebrate Christmas again this year. I wasn’t feeling up to it last year so this year I went all out. Bought the biggest tree I could find and my house is now properly Christmassy and cosy. All ready for the upcoming Christmas days. Yes days. We celebrate first and second Christmas day and I decided to add a third one as well.

First Christmas day was dinner with my dad and his wife, unfortunately no Doctor Who for me, I had to record it. But all in all I enjoyed myself.

Second Christmas day was my relaxing day, prepping for an epic British Christmas dinner for the third Christmas day and going out to dinner with my mum.

The third Christmas day was my epic British Christmas dinner with some friends roasted a turkey for the first time and it worked! I roasted a turkey! And juggled with loads of side dished and we had fun with dinner, friends and playing Sherlock cluedo and Doctor Who monopoly afterwards.

This year I lost some friends and gained some friends. It was a year with high highs and very low lows. I struggled, fought, cried, rejoiced, enjoyed and laughed. Unexcitingly reached my reading challenge. I knitted and crocheted until the burn marks from the year were etched in my fingers.

I had a super quick December visit to London again. Bought loads of stuff and can’t wait to go back.

And I have good hopes for 2015.

I have the feeling I’m closing off some stuff from the past. I turned 31 this year and now own my very first Dalek.

I have very high hopes for next year. Hopefully finding some love, blogging more, enjoying more, celebrating more. Attending my first con. Going back to London, getting a renewal for my contract and who knows?

Love, your own hot cute girly geek, Mendy.


2014 – The Year of The Epic Fail?

So, as inevitable as the turning of the wheel another year has come round again and soon it’ll be goodbye to another year.

Why the slightly pessimistic tone of the title for this post?  Well, like a lot of other people, I decided on some New Year’s resolutions.  Read 40 books… child’s play!!!  Read all of the Sherlock Holmes adventures in a year alongside them… a doddle!!!  And it was when I started the year.  But then, “real life” creeps up and things happen.  As John Lennon sang, “Life is what happens when you’re busy making plans”.  (Also, I had big problems with Goodreads which prevented from me logging my books on).

Both challenges went by the wayside by the middle of the year and, as I imagine what happens to a lot of people, I didn’t feel the inspiration to catch up – partly due to falling behind and partly due to things that we’re going on behind the scenes.


That said, it wasn’t all doom and gloom.

On the television front:

  • “Sherlock” came back with three fantastic stories and a great addition to the cast in Amanda Abbington as Mary Morstan/Watson.
  • Peter Capaldi took the controls of the TARDIS in the latest series of “Doctor Who”.  Admittedly, this series has been a bit of a mixed bag but I’m really hoping that Series 9 will get the show back on track especially as Capaldi is looking to inject some of the fun back into the role again.
  • I got addicted to the latest show in the DC television universe in “The Flash”.  I have to admit that I’ve only watched one episode of “Arrow” (the cross over episode with “The Flash”) and it wasn’t to my particular taste, but I do love the fantastical elements of “The Flash” and Grant Gustin is making for a likeable lead in Barry Allen.
  • And right up to a couple of weeks before Christmas we get the wonderful BBC three part series “Remember Me”.  I mean, who would have thought of former Monty Python star Michael Palin tackling such a brilliant supernatural drama.

At the cinema, it was a bit of a mixed bag this year with some truly brilliant films such as “The Imitation Game”, “Chef”, “Paddington”, “The Fault In Our Stars” and “Guardians Of The Galaxy”; some films that promised to be great and didn’t really deliver such as “X-Men: Days Of Future Past”; and some which were pretty awful – yes, “Nativity 3: Dude, Where’s My Donkey?”, I mean you.

On the personal front, although my reading challenges were a bit of a fail, I did take up the challenge of running my first 10K run in over twenty years.  Okay, a time of nearly one and a half hours could be seen as slow, and it was to me considering that I had trained for eleven weeks beforehand, but I was proud that I’d made it round at all given that I had turned 42 a week earlier.

My breaks away this year have been a little less epic than previous with a couple of athletics related trips to Sheffield and Birmingham, a trip to the historical city of York (which I would recommend to any history buffs – if anybody who hasn’t been to York before says that they can’t fill a week there, then there’s something wrong with you) and a break in the Cotswolds where I visited places like Warwick Castle, the Black Country Museum in Dudley and the Severn Valley Railway.  Not only did I manage to do all that cool stuff, but, just to top it all off, I also managed to bump into Mendy for breakfast and a catch up whilst I was on an overnighter in London.  I really hope that we get a chance to catch up again sooner rather than later for a bit longer than breakfast at the renowned Speedy’s Cafe (who do a great coffee and toast… plug plug).


Speaking of Mendy, I’d like to say how great a friend she’s been this year… and not because she’ll be reading this blog post.  There are some friends who you go to in times of trouble and you just want to have a laugh and a joke… and then there are friends like Mendy who will do that, but also give you the metaphorical arm around the shoulder whilst giving you help and advice without sugar coating it.  (For want of a better phrase, kicking my arse).  I have needed that this year and I’m glad that she’s been there for me when I have needed it.  Thank you, Mendy.


So, on to 2015.

  • Yes, yet again, I’ll sign up to do a Reading Challenge next year but I’m not going to beat myself up if I succeed or not.  I’ve already managed to snag myself plenty of books over the Christmas period which I’m looking forward to reading, including some of a geeky disposition.  (Yes… finally, I’ve bought the “Doctor Who” book “Engines of War” after everyone has been raving about it plus “Good Omens” after Mendy told me how good it is).
  • There are already a few films on the horizon for 2015 that have me in eager anticipation – “The Theory of Everything”, “The Woman In Black 2: The Angel of Death”, “Avengers 2: Age of Ultron”, “Terminator Genesys” (featuring some bloke called Matt Smith – he was big in television last year), the latest 007 offering “Spectre”, “Insurgent”, “Paper Towns”, “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2″… Oh and a little film called “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”.
  • Despite my concerns about Series 8, I’m looking forward to the return of Doctor Who later in the year with the enigmatically titled “The Magician’s Apprentice”.

On a personal note, I already have some breaks away planned, both athletics and non-athletics related including an epic trip to Ireland followed shortly after by a trip to London, both of which I’m really looking forward to.  I’m also looking to get back into running after the festive break, not only to get myself to get fitter but with the intention of tackling another 10K later in the year.


Finally, I just want to wish you all a happy, healthy and geeky 2015 and thank you, dear readers, for continuing to support the blog.

Goodbye 2014, hello 2015!

Hello everyone!

Another year has gone by! Time goes so fast! And what a year it has been. I’ve learned one thing: I’m terrible at New Year’s resolutions. I had 4 last year, and I failed at all of them. YAAAAY.

1) Participating at NaNoWriMo – Well, I did participate. I went to meetings. But I failed miserably when it comes to wordcount. But it was fun, so I’ll try again next year!
2) I didn’t set a goal for how many books I wanted to read, but I wanted at least to be reading a book at any point in time. I could take as long as I wanted to finish the book, but when I finished it I wanted to start reading another one instantly – I failed so hard at this one. I’ve finished one book this year. ONE. I’m a terrible person.
3) I wanted to follow at least 1 anime every season – This one worked out pretty well actually. Until the fall season started that is. I was way too busy with university and watching other series to also follow an anime. That said, I did continue watching ongoing anime, so I didn’t fail 100% at this one.
4) I wanted to visit the cinema at least once a week – That didn’t really work out too. Sometimes there are a lot of good movies at once, and sometimes none. I did go to the cinema frequently though.

That said, I am not going to make New Year’s resolutions for next year. You’ll understand why by now. But enough about what I didn’t do last year! Now it’s time for what I did do!

A lot of things changed in my personal life. I finished my internship and I finished my first master, after that, I started on my second master which I just finished last week. Go me! I went to Paris with Mendy and I went to the Azores with my boyfriend. Life is hard.


2014 was also a good year for gaming. We *coughmyboyfriendcough* bought a Playstation4, on which I played Infamous Second Son and I’m currently playing Dragon Age Inquisition. This year Nintendo released Mario Kart 8 (+ awesome DLC), Hyrule Warriors (+DLC), Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Smash Bros for Wii-U and 3DS, and Bayonetta 2 (they released more actually but this is what I’ve played). And don’t forget the introduction of the Amiibo’s! I’ve also played Shovel Knight (which was multi-plaform) and I got a bit into pc gaming (Minecraft and Left 4 Dead).

As for anime and manga, I’ve caught up with the Naruto anime (I skipped the fillers tough), and the manga has finished after 15 years! I don’t read the manga though, so I’m waiting patiently for the anime to end. I am watching Dragon Ball Z Kai (I didn’t watch Dragon Ball Z in my childhood, so I was lacking some basic anime knowledge) and I’m watching the remake of the sailor Moon anime (Sailor Moon Crystal). I’m not going to name every anime that I’ve watched this year, but some honorable mentions are D-Frag! Gin No Saji 2, Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta, Bokura Wa Minna Kawaisou, Isshuukan Friends, Mekaku City Actors, Soul Eater Not!, Ao Haru Ride, and Barakamon. Hayao Miyazaki released his last movie, The Wind Rises, and Studio Ghibli went on a break. But I got Mendy into Ghibli movies! And sadly, the legend of Korra came to an end. But what an ending it was! I’m planning to write a review of the Aang series and and Korra series next year. Oh yea, I went to Tsunacon and Abunaicon again too!

So that was last year. On to 2015! Having finished my studies also has a downside, because I’m sitting at home without a job now, *sort of*. I’m having a job in my field of study but I’m not getting payed for that and I have a job which has nothing to do with my field of study for which I do get payed. Both are part-time and temporary. So the next challenge is to find a job in my field of study for which I get payed! But I have a lot too look forward to, because I’m going to Zelda: Symphony of the Goddess in London in April, I’m officially graduating in May, and I’m *probably* going to Malaysia in June! I’m also planning to visit Tsunacon, Abunaicon and the first Dutch Comic Con! The New 3DS is probably releasing in Europe in 2015, and Majora’s Mask 3D, the new Star Fox, and Zelda U are being released next year too!

I wish you all a very very great and awesome and nerdy and geeky 2015! See you next year!

Tekira’s challenges for 2014

Hello everybody! Just as Mendy, I’m planning to set some challenges for myself this year. I’m not planning on participating in much ‘official’ challenges, but I’m definitely going to set some personal goals.

As for my personal life, 2014 is going to be the year that I graduate from university and hopefully get a job, so those are some challenges on their own. But that isn’t going to stop me from setting a few nerdy geeky challenges as well!

1) I want to participate in NaNoWriMo! I’ve only heard about it it for the first time last year and it was too late to participate. I want to be done with my thesis in April so I hope I will have plenty of time to write in November (especially if I haven’t found a job yet about that time but let’s not jinx anything shall we?).

2) I’m not going to set a goal on how many books I’m going to read this year, but I want to be reading a book at any point in time. I can take as long as I want before finishing the book, but when I finish it I want to start reading another one instantly.

3) I want to follow at least 1 anime every season. Last season I watched nothing and I really disappointed myself because I usually follow 2-4 anime per season.

4) I have an Unlimited Cinema Card but I don’t use it enough to make a profit out of it. So I want to visit the cinema at least once a week.

5) I want to write a review of every game, manga, and anime I finish. I know I have been lacking in the game-review area and that doesn’t make sense at all because I finished 4 games in the last 2 months (Windwaker HD, Pokémon X, a Link between Worlds and Super Paper Mario for those who want to know). It would be a waste not to write reviews about them.

I realize I make a lot of promises right now and I really hope I can fulfill them all. I’m going to do my best and give it my all. 2014 is going to be awesome!

Hot Cute Girly Geek’s challenges for 2014

Hi my hot cute girly geeks and boy geeks of course. Since 2014 is approached fast, I thought it would be a good idea to look at the challenges I did in 2013, how they went along and to set some new goals and challenges for 2014.

There are only 2 challenges I participated in this year:

The Goodreads reading challenge and NaNoWriMo.

Looking back on the Goodreads challenge, it was a pretty huge goal to get to, 52 books in 52 weeks. The thing is, I read a lot. But besides books I also read a good amount of fanfiction. Too bad they don’t count as books otherwise I could have get my challenge up to 100 books a year.

I really liked the 52 books a year. I think I did pretty well, although I did cheat a bit to the end and counted the Doctor Who e-book novels as books as well to reach my goal. The easy thing about this challenge is, it’s a challenge from Goodreads, so you can easily keep score on the amount of books you read or want to read. I’m a pretty eclectic reader myself. Although most of the time I read fantasy books I do however sometimes read classics, or other books that catch my interest thanks to friends or Goodreads recommendations. I even get books from Indy authors to review. I read really chunky books, well over 900 pages, but I do enjoy smaller, bite size books as well. I don’t mind, as long as it catches my interest. And I’m proud I finished my challenge this year because during the summer I got into a reading slump. But I caught up.

So that was awesome. The next challenge I did this year was NaNoWriMo, writing 50.000 words in one month. Wow. I never knew I had it in me, but I had a blast doing it and even made some new friends as well.

Two challenges successfully finished.

What’s in store for me for 2014? Ok hold on:

  • Camp NaNo: 30.000 words
  • Gishwhes 2014
  • NaNoWriMo 2014: 50.000 words
  • And my own challenge 52/52/52

Let me explain:

Camp NaNo is in April and July  and you can set the amount of words on whatever goal you like, 50.000 words in a month is a lot. So I set the bar a bit easier for myself and my goal is to write 30.000 words in a month.  I don’t know if I’ll be writing both months but it’s nice to have set the challenge. And I don’t know if I’ll either continue on a previously written story or writing something new.

Gishwhes 2014. This year I couldn’t participate and depending on which month this year’s Gishwhes is I fully intend to emerge myself in the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen. I bow down to my overlord Misha Collins.

NaNoWriMo 2014: November will be full of writing again.

52/52/52: 52 weeks to read 52 books and see 52 movies. This is my own challenge. I will keep score of the books with Goodreads, setting again 52 books to read, although I also count audio novels as well. 52 movies is a bit harder, I don’t go to the cinema that often, but I will count movies I’ve already seen towards this goal and I will count a season of one of my series as 1 movie as well. But only series that started and ended in 2014. Or older series I’m rewatching. I don’t know if I can keep up with this one, particularly the movie watching challenge, but I’ll try. And hopefully, in between reviewing the movies/series and books I can give you a monthly score list at the end of the month.


Hopefully my fellow bloggers will post their challenges as well for next year.

Are you participating in a challenge for your blog? Or keeping challenges for 2014? Let me know!

Love, your own hot cute girly geek, Mendy.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Team Hot Cute Girly Geek!

Hi my lovely and wonderful Geeky followers and fellow Geeky writers of course.


I asked my fellow bloggers to write a post wishing you all a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and turns out, every single one of them is writing something about how they look back on 2013 and looking forward to in 2014, it’s fine by me.

So, 2013, as we’re nearing the end of this year, people start to get a bit sentimental. Thinking about the stuff they did, and where in life they are going. I’ll be doing the same thing, geekwise.

In January I started back working after my lower back surgery from October 2012 and although I didn’t have a particular New Year’s resolution for 2013 I decided I would try to be more spontaneous. It had to do with my poor body’s physique. You all may know I’m chronically ill, as in, I have hypermobility syndrome, which basically translates into me being in pain and tired 24/7. This however doesn’t stop me from working fulltime and trying to keep up a social life. For the years past I was very careful about the stuff I did, or did want to do. That ended in me being somewhat of a hermit in my own home. And after that damned surgery I decided I didn’t want to go back to that.

I pushed my own boundaries, worked hard at my own recovery and had an amazing year to look back on. Some of the highlights.

I am a huge fan of Benedict Cumberbatch and Sherlock, and I met some pretty amazing Dutch girls online and I was fortunate enough to meet them in real life, cheering with them when Benedict’s name came on screen during Star trek into Darkness and a movie theatre full of trekkies who were about to kill us. One word: Epic!

I went to London, again, and I loved every bit of it.

I met my good friend and fellow blogger Theta in real life this year, showing him around Dutchieland, meeting some of the DCC (Dutch Cumber Collective) Although he lives across the pond in the UK he became one of my closest friends and I know, no matter what, he’ll always be there for me.

I turned 30. Ok, maybe not a highlight, I was really not looking forward to reaching that milestone. But with the help of friends I had a pretty epic birthday, due to the fact I share my birthday with one of my passions / addictions, Doctor Who. Everyone dressed up as a character, I did my first ever cosplay and we had so much fun and feels watching the 50th anniversary episode.

And although this was the first year I didn’t get to participate in Gishwhes, I did however NaNoWriMo, going back to one of my passions, writing, I wrote freaking 50.000 words in a month! And not to forget, I met some new friends as well!

I met Neil ‘freaking’ Gaiman!

Tekira started as an intern at the company I work at and we discovered our joint love for geekdom, she’s a wonderful friend and fellow blogger!

I still need to meet Zee in real life, but I’m sure it will happen sometime soon! I love you to bits Zee, the ultimate companion!

I think, with all the stuff I did and didn’t mention here I had a pretty good year. It was full of wonderful geeky stuff and highlights.

I raised this blog to another level, met some awesome friends and fellow geeks online which I’m in contact with a lot thanks to twitter and fb.  The blog keeps changing, keeps getting better, more stuff to write and to participate in.

And I’m looking forward to another epic year, meet some friends in real life, travelling to Paris and London again, maybe even Cardiff and, if I can pull it off, a visit to Theta!

A lot of movies and series to look forward to, a lot of new books, I almost finished my reading challenge this year, and who knows, maybe, finally a bit of love in this single geeky heart as well?

I want to thank all my followers, readers, friends, fellow writers, geeks, nerds, dorks, passerby’s, artists, and everyone else I forgot to mention for this piece for making 2013 into an epic year and I hope to see, meet, talk to, write with all of you again in 2014.

To say goodbye in the famous words of 9. You were fantastic… absolutely fantastic! And you what? So was I!


Love, your own hot cute girly geek Mendy.


Tekira 2This is the end of 2013, for Nintendo fans also known as the kick-off of ‘The Year of Luigi’ (or as Iwata-san would say ‘The Ear of Ruigi’). Nintendo celebrated Luigi’s 30th birthday by releasing Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, New Super Luigi U, Mario & Luigi Dream Team, Super Mario 3d World (with Luigi modes), Dr. Luigi, and a Luigi themed 3DS-XL. Since I don’t have infinite time and money, I’ve only played Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon, but I have to say it was one of the high-lights this year. Other games I was waiting for were coming at the end of 2013, so I was happy that Luigi’s Mansion was released in April (which is also when my birthday is, hehe). October/November were awesome months for me, because of the releases of Windwaker HD, Pokémon X&Y, and the Legend of Zelda: a Link between worlds (reviews are coming, I promise). Of course 2013 was also the year that Nintendo didn’t have a press-conference at the E3 but had some awesome announcements nonetheless, and that console wars are fired up again because of the release of the Xbox One and the Playstation 4. I don’t really care about those actually because Xbox sucks and the PS4 is way too expensive.

Anime-wise, I really disappointed myself. Because of my recently awakened Doctor Who fandom, I haven’t watch a single anime last season. I’m planning to make up for it next season, so that’s a good New Year’s resolution. Anime I did watch last year were Chihayafuru 2, Attack on Titan, the Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat, Genshiken Nidaime, and Silver Spoon (Gin no Saji). I’m really sorry that I have to say that this year didn’t have any new ‘treasures’ for me, like FMA Brotherhood or Steins;Gate once were. But I still have to finish Attack on Titan, so maybe I’m speaking to early.

Also, this was of course the year that I met Mendy and I started writing for this blog! I’m so grateful for that! I hope I can write more next year since I have tons of ideas!

2014 has tons to offer. Think about Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS, and Zelda Hyrule Warriors (working title). As for anime, I only know what to expect next season (look here → http://i4.minus.com/iEGQjOD6GZE9s.jpg (not made by me)), but I’m looking really forward to the new season of Gin no Saji and Chihayafuru (although I don’t know when that’s going to happen). At the E3, I’m going to keep my fingers crossed for Beyond Good & Evil 2 (as always) and a new Zelda announcement.

So, I wish you happy holidays and a new year full of awesome anime and games!

Tekira 1



Hello to everyone of various Geeky persuasions,


Well, another year has nearly gone and 2013 has been a bit of an exciting year, hasn’t it… well, it certainly has in the Whoniverse.  David Tennant has been cornering the law profession by portraying a policeman and a barrister whilst Matt Smith has been getting ready to play a singing psychopath, and that’s before you get Jenna Coleman portraying a Jane Austen character in a murder mystery, Karen Gillan shaving her head to portray a super-villain and Alex Kingston portraying a woman with imaginary blood on her hands in “The Scottish Play”.  Oh… and Arthur Darvill has portrayed a vicar and a busker, who says that you can’t have sedate roles after “Doctor Who”.

As for the series itself, we’ve had a new companion join the TARDIS, a return engagement by the Eighth Doctor (well, for just over seven minutes) onscreen, three Doctors… well, thirteen Doctors joined forces in one mammoth episode for the 50th anniversary and a sneak peak of the man who will forever be known as “The Eyebrows”, (Well, it certainly beats “Chinny”, “Sandshoes” or “Granddad”), whilst the collected powers of Mark Gatiss and David Bradley managed to probably turn every full-blooded Whovian into a gibbering wreck at the end of “An Adventure In Space And Time”.

But away from that, it’s been a big year for me because Mendy asked for me to join the “Hot Cute Girly Geek” team.  (I still wonder why, because I know that I don’t qualify for the “Girly” whilst the “Hot” and “Cute” are severely open to interpretation – However, if anyone wants to state otherwise on the latter two, I am open to offers… ahem).  In addition to this, I managed to meet the wonderful Mendy for the first time on her turf, and my trip to The Netherlands has provided me with memories that will last a lifetime.

So, in anticipation of a festive season which will see Whovians everywhere become gibbering wrecks again as we wave goodbye to “Eleven”, may I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2014.

Oh… and if anyone’s still stuck for a Christmas present for me, a TARDIS would be wonderful so I can visit all of my friends across the world… either that or the winning lottery numbers.

Best wishes and lots of love,

“Theta Sigma”


Merry Christmas geeks of all gender and age! Or God Jul as we say in Sweden! 🙂 If you are fairly new to this blog you might not know who I am. I’m Zandrina – if you want to know more there is a page called about Zee for you to look at.

This is a Christmas greeting from me to you, and it’ll probably be short and sweet although too long to tweet. I’m currently in a car on my way to my aunt to celebrate Christmas Eve. As I’m sitting here I’m looking back on the year that was and it’s been a good one. I started a beauty channel on YouTube, I started blogging for Mendy and I’ve gotten to know both Mendy and Theta, and very recently, Tessa. They are a great team to work with – understanding is not enough to explain what they are. I’ve been a useless blogger the past few months and instead of searching for a replacement they just understand. Thank you guys – I love you all and I hope you get a fantastic Christmas!

To all our lovely readers – thank you for reading and for sticking by us (even if I’ve hardly contributed). Merry Christmas and take care of yourselves. Until next time, Keep rocking that geek!

xx Zee