Hot Cute Girly Geek’s challenges for 2014

Hi my hot cute girly geeks and boy geeks of course. Since 2014 is approached fast, I thought it would be a good idea to look at the challenges I did in 2013, how they went along and to set some new goals and challenges for 2014.

There are only 2 challenges I participated in this year:

The Goodreads reading challenge and NaNoWriMo.

Looking back on the Goodreads challenge, it was a pretty huge goal to get to, 52 books in 52 weeks. The thing is, I read a lot. But besides books I also read a good amount of fanfiction. Too bad they don’t count as books otherwise I could have get my challenge up to 100 books a year.

I really liked the 52 books a year. I think I did pretty well, although I did cheat a bit to the end and counted the Doctor Who e-book novels as books as well to reach my goal. The easy thing about this challenge is, it’s a challenge from Goodreads, so you can easily keep score on the amount of books you read or want to read. I’m a pretty eclectic reader myself. Although most of the time I read fantasy books I do however sometimes read classics, or other books that catch my interest thanks to friends or Goodreads recommendations. I even get books from Indy authors to review. I read really chunky books, well over 900 pages, but I do enjoy smaller, bite size books as well. I don’t mind, as long as it catches my interest. And I’m proud I finished my challenge this year because during the summer I got into a reading slump. But I caught up.

So that was awesome. The next challenge I did this year was NaNoWriMo, writing 50.000 words in one month. Wow. I never knew I had it in me, but I had a blast doing it and even made some new friends as well.

Two challenges successfully finished.

What’s in store for me for 2014? Ok hold on:

  • Camp NaNo: 30.000 words
  • Gishwhes 2014
  • NaNoWriMo 2014: 50.000 words
  • And my own challenge 52/52/52

Let me explain:

Camp NaNo is in April and July  and you can set the amount of words on whatever goal you like, 50.000 words in a month is a lot. So I set the bar a bit easier for myself and my goal is to write 30.000 words in a month.  I don’t know if I’ll be writing both months but it’s nice to have set the challenge. And I don’t know if I’ll either continue on a previously written story or writing something new.

Gishwhes 2014. This year I couldn’t participate and depending on which month this year’s Gishwhes is I fully intend to emerge myself in the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen. I bow down to my overlord Misha Collins.

NaNoWriMo 2014: November will be full of writing again.

52/52/52: 52 weeks to read 52 books and see 52 movies. This is my own challenge. I will keep score of the books with Goodreads, setting again 52 books to read, although I also count audio novels as well. 52 movies is a bit harder, I don’t go to the cinema that often, but I will count movies I’ve already seen towards this goal and I will count a season of one of my series as 1 movie as well. But only series that started and ended in 2014. Or older series I’m rewatching. I don’t know if I can keep up with this one, particularly the movie watching challenge, but I’ll try. And hopefully, in between reviewing the movies/series and books I can give you a monthly score list at the end of the month.


Hopefully my fellow bloggers will post their challenges as well for next year.

Are you participating in a challenge for your blog? Or keeping challenges for 2014? Let me know!

Love, your own hot cute girly geek, Mendy.

About hotcutegirlygeek

Hi I’m Mendy, 30, live in the Netherlands together with my lovely cat Sir James. I’m a social worker who works with drug addicts and homeless people by day and a geek, avid blogger and aspiring author by heart. I read, write, blog, bake and create. More about Hot Cute Girly Geek

2 thoughts on “Hot Cute Girly Geek’s challenges for 2014

  1. Ilana says:

    Hey Mendy, What awesome challanges! Congratulations on the NanoWrimo. I won it twice and entered two more times with about half the word-count as a result. I have three fat novels to show for it, with a total wordcount of over 180 thousand words.

    Your reading challenge: I do count fanfiction if they are novels. There are lots of fanfiction novels out there, and I prefer novel-length or novella over small stuff.

    As for Dr Who Ebooks, I don’t see why they wouldn’t count? There are a good many Dr Who novels out and they are true novels. Your challange didn’t say it couldn’t be pop or pulp, did it?

    So as far as I’m concerned, you probably made your 52 if not more! I wish I could read that quickly.

    My challange is to grow my blog ( ) and start a second one in Dutch.

    Another challange which I’m contemplating (as the idea just popped up recently) is to give a lecture on Japanese culture. I’m attending an anime convention that would be interested in that type of stuff, so it would be a question of putting together something that’s worth presenting in time.

    • Thanks! I hoped for NaNo I could actually finish something this year, but again I have an unfinished novel to show for, so probably will use the rest of the NaNo challenges for 2014 to actually work on finishing things. I prefer novel lenght fanfictions as well, like I said if I could count them I probably would be well over a 100 books a year. I’m a fast reader and the fact I do a lot of travelling for work ables me to read during the day as well.
      You do have lovely challenges yourself, you should get into contact with my blogger Tekira, a huge fan of anime.
      Thanks for the lovely and nice comments!

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